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You can be abstinent if you’ve had sex before, are in a relationship, or have never had sex. Abortion pill Describes the process of medication abortion, which includes the use of two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol, to safely end a pregnancy. Abortion funds may also offer help with transportation, lodging, childcare, and other resources people need to get a safe, legal abortion. Abortion funds Groups and organizations that help people pay for an abortion they couldn't otherwise afford. Abortifacient A drug, herb, or device that can cause an abortion (end a pregnancy). Ableism can also include creating structures and institutions that favor able-bodied people. Ableism can include negative actions, beliefs, and judgements against a person with a disability in social and professional settings. A Ableism Discrimination and prejudice against people living with mental, physical, cognitive, or intellectual disabilities. 5 5-alpha reductase deficiency An intersex condition in which XY chromosomes (“male” chromosomes) and testes are present, but a shortage of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes incomplete external genitalia to be formed.

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